Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big Supporting event-TVXQ Is Always In Our Heart

I plan to get in.. and the place i will be there is either SUNWAY or Sungei Wang

The first collection of sign in Malaysia

Korean Cassiopeias had organized flash mob, and then published on press. Bigeasts collected money and published on press. Cassiopeias from China organized the first concert without idol. Cassiopeias from Taiwan organized Postcard activity. So how about Malaysian Cassiopeias, should we come together and contribute something?
Originally, we planned to publish on the newspaper, but most of our Cassiopeias are still a student which having economic problem. After some discussion, we decided to organize a signing session to declare our love and support for DBSK to public.
We will hold this event in every state of Malaysia, on the same day and at the same time.
We will not hold it only at one location as there are many Cassiopeias which are from other states will not be able to attend our event. Thus, Cassiopeias in their own state can perform this event and gather the other Cassiopeias. Meanwhile, this proposal will be great if more people participate in it. 

Title of event:
TVXQ Is Always In Our Heart

Activity SLOGAN:
Forever 5

Target:Every state must collect at least 500 signatures from public

Time and Date:
5/6/2010(Saturday) 11am-5pm

Location: State representatives will need to discuss with the participants (better to be bustling areas) Representatives can be scattered in several locations to start the event. Place of gather must be chose cautiously, not to interfere with people’s business or hinder pedestrians walking.

Event rundown:
1.We will select state representatives. State Representative will have to search for participants and cooperate with them to decide the venue.
2. Pages of signature book, work permits, computer graphics, flyers and others will be distributed to state representatives to print. State representatives will collect money from participants. (If there is extra money, it can be used for dine after the event).
3. On that day, participants will explain to passer-bys about the purpose of this autograph event and then obtain their identified signature.
4. After the event, workers will snap a group photo (photos can be taken during the activity) Then, prepare a postscript of the event. Photographs and postscripts will be recorded into the signature book. State representative will track down the count of signatures on that day and sms to 016-5443243 to make a total statistics.
5. Signature book, photographs and postscripts of all states will need to deliver to Johor. The person in charge will collate everything and then deliver to Avex company.

Conditions for State Representative:
1. Responsible, once you are a state representative, please be responsible until the end.
2. Things to be in-charge: A: gather participants (at the same time, we will gather participants and then divide them according to their location to state representatives),
B: Print out pages of signature book; work permit; leaflets, etc., C: On that day, gather the participants, explain the activity rules and things to be take note. D: Deliver signature book, postscripts and photographs to Johor.

Each activity requires funds, this event is also the same, but we are still facing some problems on financial aspect. We hope Cassiopeias will cooperate, let those with strength contribute strength, those with money contribute money to make this event run smoothly. The names of Cassiopeias which contributed money and the efforts will be listed down. We also understand that some families are strict towards their children for letting them out to join. Therefore, you guys can also support us by raising funds. We will be really grateful. The funds collected will be used to buy gifts for TVXQ and deliver to AVEX.

PS: If you are interested in doing common work, just indicate “common” at the work (in the form), if you want to bank in money, indicate “bank in” at the work (in the form). If you want to bank in and join the working team, please indicate “common work + bank in” at the work (in the form)
(Common work means distribute flyers and search for people to sign.)

Registration form: (Stacy)
to: 0164280523 (Ghost)

* Please write the title "TVXQ Is Always in Our Heart"

State, area, recommended venues:
Are you willing to be a state representative:
Contact method:
email: Phone Number:
Application Deadline: May 23

Once the application form is sent, participants has to understand their own tasks, not to quit on that day. Please consider carefully before registration.

(P/S: This activity is not only open for members in the forum, if you have friends who want thoso join, she/he also can participate.)

Any inquiries please
Email to : (Stacy) (ghost)
Sms / call: 016-4280523(Ghost)
016-5443243 (this number will only use on the day of activity start)/ +6581317767(stacy)

This is the first event from Malaysia to support TVXQ. It may be the only opportunity to join this event. So, please support TVXQ by actions. We hope that everybody will participate eagerly. We must make a great effort for TVXQ, so that they can feel the strength and support from Malaysian Cassiopeias.



活动名称:TVXQ Is Always In Our Heart

活动 SLOGAN: Forever 5


日期/时间:6月5号(星期六)<学校假期> 11am-5pm

1. 我们会选出州代表。让州代表负责找寻参与者以及跟参与者决定他们州的集会地点。
2. 宣传书内页,工作证,宣传单等电脑图会发给州代表去打印。州代表跟参与者收取费用(多余的钱,活动结束后可以用来聚餐)。
3. 活动中,参与者将向路人解释,让他们了解这个签名活动的目的然后向他们索取认同的签名。
4. 活动结束后,工作人需要拍个大合照(活动中也能拍些照片)还有做一个活动后记,这些照片和后记将收录进签名书里。州代表记录当天的签名数目然后sms到016-5443243来做个总统计。
5. 每个州的签名书内页,照片,后记将需要寄到johor,johor区的负责人将整理好然后寄去日本avex。

1. 负责任,一旦成为州代表,请负责到底。
2. 要负责的东西:A:招集参与者(同时我们会收集报名者然后分州属交给州代表),

报名方式: (Stacy)
to: 0164280523 (鬼)
*请在title 写上” TVXQ Always in Our Heart”


Email至 (Stacy)
Sms/call: 0164280523 (鬼)



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