MUET speaking paper
Hmm... For me, it was juz fine, at least i m not the candidate D(which they always gave a sesat point for D to complete).. Started from Abel's group, we were divided to 3 into a group(normally four in a group) because Mellisa joined in as private candidate.. So, Pei Ern and i were not in the same group with Wan Luan and Hui Shi.. We Got Ben with us... The task given to us was just fine, as all of us can elaborate on it( But i think i did badly in my individual task, coz i m quite nervous).. finally, i juz agree with PE's...
Task given: the effective ways to reform students who break the law
Can A: Send them to Jail(i strongly disagree with that)
Can B: send them to rehabilitation centres(that's sound ok)
Can C(me): Let them to do social works for several hours
Wan Luan took tis pic- Abel and i were staring outside while waiting our turns to get into the exam hall
I saw this in the Old chem lab.. Vandalism, Kelvin Koh!!!! Send him to jail-he broke the lawp/s: I was waiting for so long in the preparation room...nervous but i juz can't do anything, juz crap something about DBSK with Ah Luan loh..(DUH,DBSK again...)Like back to yesterday's topic-Final Destination 4 that both of us watched yesterday(horror movie, can't stop think about the bloody and internal organ scene) and also sharing my 2 DBSK album that i got them yesterday(Too happy for
that-feel like hugging the 2 albums to sleep every night)
Heart,Mind and soul(thanks to Elaine for sell this to me.. ) And Secret code(finally got it!) My next target is Mirotic album(but haven decide which version want to buy yet)
That's the free gift for my secrete code album... Ahhhhh.. crazy!!!!!(STPM lah, Jia Huoy, STUDY!!!!)
Woho~~~ I got My MacD glass yesterday!! like the blue colour... (hope i can get the ironic grey and the lime green 1, looks great!)
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