becoz of my aunty n 2 cousins visited me n live in my house for 4 days 3 nights, my normal lifestyle started 2 change...
1) Eat a lot(triple of my normal meal) especially dinner
2) More meat than vegetables and friuts(normally i eat more vege n fruits than meat)
3)Dinner=Supper (having my dinner at 10p.m.)
4)Drink less water(i normally drnk at least 1500ml of water per day,but during this 3 days not even 500ml)
5)Didn't touch my homework(spending my time for shopping,chit-chatting)
6)Not enough of sleep(sleep late wake up early in d morning)
7)Feel like not sleeping in the night-always awake in the night(c0z cousin has 1 sleeping habbit tat is scold ppl or talk 2 herself when sleeping)
8)Eat many junk food at night
result: Gain weight and always feel tired
Luckily my aunty n one of my cousin went back 2 Taiping this morning, if not, i can't imagine wat will happen on me!!!
Friday: they arrived Klang at 3p.m. So, we went 2 Jusco bukit Raja n Careffore Saw many cute pets there
so many small turtle here!!!! Summore they are sleeping!!!
ZZZZZZZ... tis fellow love sleeping..
be fore sleeping
After sleeping, no eyes!!!hahaha
Saturday: went 2 sungai weng and time square buy new clothes for chinese new year..
Mission completed! coz finally I bought 2 shirts and 1 short pants( feel regret coz not listen 2 my mum advise 2 buy another short pants)
Sunday:Went 2 Klang Parade n Jusco Bukit tinggi(bought new shoes) Ate Ramen n sushi with them... (T.T i spend RM23.30 for my sushi n Ramen).. Sang with my cousin in green capsule at Green Box...My brother frustrated of our bad n terrible singing...He kept stopped the songs when we sang badly.. haha.. pity him sat inside
accompany us... hahaha...
tis is my brother.. haha.. no eyes to c... poor...
keep singing.. non stop...
I wan the mic!!! plz give me!!!!
Haven buy: A new Jacket( will be purchase from Oreef at Jusco Bukit Raja coz got 20% discount) and a pants( will be go 2 times square 2 look for it)
As for now, I will adjust my timetable and my own life again to lose weight.. hehe... N keep remind myself dun be too lazy 2 n hope 2 complete my homework as soon as possible... GAMBATE!!!!!
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