About 11.30a.m.mission completed... But I had to wait for my mum for 1 hours more, so stef suggest that v tried to go for a longer way instead of waiting my mum for an hour.... So, stef leading us to climb up d hill....Wa... d path tat v took is really long... haha... i was very tired... but i tried to follow stef n Hui shi.. Tis 2 fellow really energetic n Hui Shi kept singing:'' V are d champion.....".... When v reach a location, I very sam pat... I suggest tat v can shout there coz dun hav any outsiders there.. But... i said only... i not dare to do so... But Hui shi... walau... she so.... so.. unexpected... she sang ACS school song !!! Stef n I accompany her loh...haha... After an hour v spend in d Taman Rakyat, finally get down from there.......
V r d survivor!!!!!!!!!
HAH????!!! so many staircase?!! no energy d loh.......
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